Turn Over a New Leaf: Getting Through Your Fall Cleanup Injury-Free

It’s that time of year again, where we have to do the homeowner due-diligence of yard clean up! Although it’s something that happens every year, there’s always risk in what some of these activities entail. Things like raking, persistent crouching from bagging leaves, and prolonged standing and reaching overhead to clean out the gutters all put you at risk for unwanted injury. Your hard work will look fantastic, but your body may not feel as such, if you don’t take some of these tips from your friends at Orthopedic & Spine Therapy.

  • Warm up your body, before working all day! Taking a brisk walk, time to stretch your legs, arms, and back, may all prevent unwanted soreness from a day’s worth of hard work.
  • Pace yourself! Although, sometimes the weather may not allow us, it is crucial to take needed rest breaks during strenuous activities, especially as we age. Know your body, know your limits, and always take your time.
  • Don’t climb alone! Please use basic ladder safety, and never step on one without someone at home with you. Fall is meant for the beautiful leaves, not for you to experience off any heightened surface!
  • Use proper body mechanics! Bending at awkward angles, reaching for and carrying things too far away from your body, and not lifting with your legs, put multiple parts of your body at risk for wear, tear and unwanted pains and strains. 
  • Recruit help! The saying, “I’ll just do it myself!” doesn’t pay as we get older. Let’s view yard clean-up as “the more the merrier” instead, and make it a group effort to lighten the load, while also getting quality time with your favorite family member, friend or neighbor!

If you have any questions on what a simple stretch/exercise program may look like, or are in need of other safety and fall prevention tips – feel free to reach out to your therapist friends at Orthopedic & Spine Therapy. Remember: It’s easier to prepare with prevention, rather than suffer from an injury!

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